Lady Margaret, will you tend them?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, l do not see
Mistress Shore here. ls she ill?
Mistress Shore is dead.
As Protector of the Realm
l cannot tolerate treachery to the Crown.
Mistress Shore has been executed
for such treachery.
There was no more faithful woman
in the castle.
l had always thought that myself,
Your Majesty.
But when she admitted her crime
l had no choice.
Mistress Shore has been spreading rumors
that the young Princes are illegitimate
and therefore not heirs to the throne.
This is a lie. She would have no reason
for doing such a thing.
Unless our enemies to the north
are using weapons other than armor.
You have executed a most trusted woman
of this court without trial.
You say your motives are honorable?
Those who suspect treason in others
should first look into
their own hearts for loyalty.
The rumors will spread quickly.
lt was a brilliant stroke.
Who will know what to believe?
Are the Princes legitimate or not?
The doubt must be created
over and over again.
- lt shall be done.
- And what of Buckingham?
l couldn't read his face
when l made the announcement.
Does he follow in my shadow?
He is a clever man of much influence.
He wants to cast his own shadow.
l must know how he thinks
in order to trust him fully.
l will bring you a full report.
And one not colored
by your own desires, Ratcliffe.