Tower of London

You don't understand, Edward.
l must be king.
l will be king.
Nothing on this earth can stop me.
He tried to kill me.
You saw it. He tried to take my life.
lt was an accident, my lord.
Who could be here to harm you?

You did not see my brother Edward?
l saw nothing but the explosion, my lord.
All else was in your mind.
Hold your ground, Edward!
Very good. You try it.
- Well done, Edward.
- Sir Justin, we must talk.

Continue till l return.
Have them join their mother
and not leave her side.

Do as Tyrus says. l'll return shortly.
There's no doubt then.
These murders all by Richard's hand.

A growing madness grips him,
he's caught up in his own violent dreams.

But it is the young Princes l fear for.
How can we protect them?

Not here. There's not a corner
of the Tower safe now.

- Westminster.
- The Abbey, of course. Sanctuary.

l'll have a coach for Margaret
to go to Scotland.

Lord Stanley must know
of this treachery.

Anne, without you l cannot bear
the loneliness of my thoughts.

The torture of my dreams
shrivels my courage.
