The prosecution rests.
Hey, now, this chicken is fabulous.
What makes it taste like gin?
- Gin.
- Fabulous.
I mean you. You can cook, sew, you can...
Why are you eating French fries?
You know they're not good for you.
- How many have you had?
- Three.
That's three too many.
All right, you may have one more.
Here... instead.
I've been reading up on ulcers.
Stick to what you can eat.
You know, I've forgotten her voice.
How'd she sound?
What do you mean?
Lovely. She sounded lovely.
You wanna hear? Talk to her.
I don't understand.
You want me to talk to her?
I'm with you, in the Garden of Eden,
Adam and Eve.
Why let the snake in? We had
trouble getting rid of the bedbugs.
All right, Jerry, we're on the subject
of bugs, something's bugging me.
It's all dead and buried, you said. Fine.
With Wally, it's all dead and buried too.
But if he called now, I'd make a face,
I'd think who needs it and I'd talk to him.
It's another human being,
maybe they're sick or need something.
- You'd find out why they're calling.
- Tess doesn't need from me, never did.
Wally doesn't mean enough
not to talk to him.
That's you two. I don't have
to operate on the same wavelength.