A New Kind of Love

We'll take in all the showings,
the new fashions

- at the best houses.
- Great.

And for my children,
nothing is too good.

We'll buy. We'll buy,
buy and buy.

And what we can't buy, we'll steal.
Out in California,
they're stealing bases.

Take a good look at Chavez Ravine,
if you can see it through the smog.

Three years ago
it was a goat pasture.

Today they're fighting
for the World Series here.

Shows you what hard work
and the will to succeed can achieve.

l was up in the press box,
even though l don't cover sports.

l came out from New York to do
a series on rocket hardware,

but l picked up a blond
and a pass to the ball game

because l just can't resist athletics.
Any kind.
There was more
than one game going on.

l started to discuss the last play
and suggested the next one.

Shows you what hard work
and the will to succeed can achieve.

By the eighth inning l'd found
a much more comfortable place

to watch the game.
The pitch is outside, making
the count 3-2 on the batter.

This crowd is going out of its mind.
Here's the pitch. And it's a base hit
right over second base.

l have an idea the excitement
is just beginning, so don't go away.

And now, a word
about something of interest

to all you men in our audience.
Fellas, if you're like l am, when
you want a lather, you want it fast.

Well, you're looking at something
that'll wilt your beard

faster than anything known
to science; lnsta-Shave.

Look for it.
There's no mistaking this package.
