- Yeah, well, at least you face it.
- Who faces?
No, but, l mean, who am l fooling?
l ain't no global thinker.
l'm just a bright boy from Texas
going to write the greatest play
the world ever saw.
l never got past the third page.
l got to page four.
Then my typing finger got tired.
After that l was gonna write
the world's greatest column.
You read it lately? Neither have l.
Then l took up blonds for an excuse.
A new one every week.
Sometimes four, sometimes six.
- You know what that's a sign of?
- Stamina?
No, loneliness. Deep, mixed-up,
cotton-picking loneliness.
Maybe you could teach me
to be lonely too.
Pick a different cotton every week.
l'm telling you, boy,
l gotta get on the stick.
l gotta come up
with something
that's gonna be so far-out that, well,
they'll have to start shining up
the Pulitzer prize and ordering me
back to New York
on a chartered rose petal.
Bon voyage.
Now, you, you've been working here
in Paris. Now, how do you get a...
An interview with somebody
in the French cabinet?
- Or the old boy at the top?
- What's your angle?
l don't know.
Maybe his love life.
Nobody's tried that yet.
That's good. That's very good.
Then you can write your experiences
as the first American to be guillotined.
- Olé.
- Frère Jacques.
l think l'll take you to Lanvin
this afternoon.
Tomorrow to Dior. He's one
of the best. Then St. Laurent--
Oh, you mustn't mention
that you've been to the other houses.
lt's absolutely a civil war. Why,
you have to have passports to get in.
lt's so exciting.
You can dress in leopard
from top to bottom.
And what woman doesn't want to have
a leopard bottom? And Pierre Cardin...
- Who's that?
- l don't know.
Some dame l met in the men's room.
Why not? This is Paris.
Paris isn't the Eiffel Tower...
...the Arc de Triomphe...
...or the Sacré Coeur.
This is Paris.
How'd you like to take
a sightseeing bus around that?