l found an apartment
in the shadow of the Sacré Coeur,
and was beginning to enjoy my exile
when Harry came rushing at top
speed, for him, across the square
that has launched generations
of immortal artists,
all painting the same
immortal painting.
Everybody's talking about it.
l ran as fast as l could.
- What do you mean, l'm fired?
- l just came from the office.
Communiqué from the boss.
You've been given
your two weeks' notice.
- What?
- Quote. Unquote.
But don't worry, they did it to Louis
the XVl, and he came back, didn't he?
- Or did he?
- He can't do it.
l got the best lawyer in the States
to draw that contract.
- lt's got three more years to run.
- Looks like he found a loophole.
- How could he?
- He hired your lawyer to look for it.
That is un-American.
- You going back home?
- You bet l'm not. l've been working.
l've got two weeks to show
that charcoal-gray fink
that he's throwing away the great
white hope of American journalism.
He'll be begging me to sign up again.
When l dream it,
he has tears in his eyes,
and he's throwing hundred-dollar bills.
- Come here.
- But l never catch them.
l've been up all night, pounding
out a new idea for the column.
- All night?
- Yeah, read it.
Dateline, Montmartre.
Good morning.
Au revoir, bébé.
Actually, you can say that again.
Au revoir, bébé.
Au revoir, bébé.
Do l know you?