Or Charles Boyer or an American
millionaire or Adlai Stevenson
- or a taxi driver or a street cleaner--
- All right.
l hope he does get indigestion.
Throw something on
and come along.
There's a moon out tonight that looks
just like a Spanish omelet.
We'll paint the town.
No, l gotta get those invoices out.
Then l thought maybe l might go out
and sketch some shop windows.
- Want a cigarette?
- No, thanks.
- What's the matter with you, Sam?
- What do you mean?
Well, with me there's some excuse.
But you?
This is Paris.
Take a look outside.
This isn't a city. lt's a great big
1 1 4 square miles of love potion.
And a girl should take advantage.
Thank you. l tried it once
and no, thank you.
- Once? With you that's a career?
- Yeah, that's a career.
Listen, l was in love once.
Very much in love.
And l got kicked right in the stomach.
So l decided then and there that
l'd show them all l don't need them.
All the men l can live without.
Maybe someday, when l've really
made something of myself,
then l'll think about getting married.
Married? Who's talking married?
l was married once.
lt just convinced me that there must
be something more to sex than that.
Listen, l think you'd better run along.
That perfume may wear off.
l got no place to go.
l was going for a ride in the park in one
of those horse and carriages, alone.
l figured no girl should come to Paris
without riding in the park.
Listen, you'll probably meet somebody
very nice in the lobby.
That dress does wonders for you.
Don't let's kid ourselves.
l wanna get married again, Sam.
lt was the best l ever knew.
All the rest is nothing.
You ought to get married too.
How old are you?
- Never mind.
- ''Never mind'' is already enough.
You know the Daily News building
in New York?
Right over the entrance, next to
the clock, cut right in the stone,
it says,
''lt is later than you think.''
Ever since l saw it there,
l only buy the Herald-Tribune.