And they all want to be in the park
ln Paree in the spring
Come on!
There's a policeman.
You know, l've never kissed a
policeman in my whole life.
No wonder l'm emotionally retarded.
A votre service, mais je vous en prie.
Oh, that's a good idea.
Let's get a policeman for Lina too.
l don't want any. Let's put this
kid on a leash.
She's never been looped before.
You know, l'll bet there are a lot
of semi-maidens in this group.
- You bet.
- And a lot of semi-semi-maidens.
And semi-semi-semi-maidens.
ln fact, l'll bet there are a lot of girls
with no control at all.
- Welcome to the club.
- Come on.
What you gonna do with that?
Launch the Eiffel Tower?
l'm gonna help those girls refuel,
get myself a story
and a book full of telephone
Hey, you can't go out there.
lt's a rule.
Except for the cops, only girls over 25
are allowed in the parade.
- And they have to be maidens.
- l'll fake it.
Champagne. Champagne.
What's the matter? What?
Give me back my bottle.
No, you don't understand.
l represent the ClA.
No, l'm a maiden too.