America, America

The year is 1896.
A Turkish provincial governor
has called...

an emergency meeting of his council.
Be seated,
be seated, please.

Your glasses, Governor.
This came an hour ago,
over the wire from the capital.

Your Excellency...
On this day, the eve of our
national feast of Bayram...

Armenian fanatics have
dared to set fire...

to the National Turkish Bank
in Constantinople.

It is the wish of our Sultan...
Abdul Hamid the Resplendent,
the shadow of God on earth...

that the Armenian subject people
throughout his empire...

be taught, once and for all,
that acts of terror...

cannot be tolerated.
Our Sultan has the patience
of the Prophet...

but he has now given signs
that he would be pleased...

if this lesson were impressed,
once and for all...

upon this dangerous minority.
How this is to be effected
will be left to Their Excellencies...

the governors of each province...
...and to the army post commanders
stationed in each provincial capital.
