How are the shoes?
They pinch.
My feet are covered in boils
and sores.
Perhaps you could rest
in the next town.
And you?
I'll go on.
Oh, no, brother,
I could never leave you.
Never, never.
No, I would never leave you,
I could never abandon my brother...
but I must have one drink.
Brother, my soul is thirsty,
my heart is dry...
surely you would not deny me
one miserable drink.
I confess I can't pay for this one.
You didn't pay for the others.
It was unnecessary for you to remind
me that I am less fortunate than you.
After all, in friendship,
there is only one rule.
What's mine, is yours
and what's yours, is mine.
You have nothing.
As the Prophet said,
"Who can place a price on wisdom?"
Despite the Prophet,
this is the last I pay for.