some secret that you're not...
Not that I'll expect you
to tell me everything...
or anything,
if you don't want to.
I want everything to be
the way you want it to be.
Do you hear me?
Yes, Thomna.
I wish I were prettier for you.
Don't worry about that.
But, I'm a good girl.
You'll see,
I am a good girl.
Just tell me what
you want me to do.
I'll do anything you tell me to do.
Thomna, please stop crying.
Stop crying, please.
Please, stop.
I'm frightened.
Of what?
Of your silence.
Say something.
Say something to me.
Say something, please!
Say something!
Something, something,
something, something!
I'm sorry.
I've been nervous all morning.
I had a dream last night.