Now, come, Bertha,
just the truth.
Stop it.
Stop it, all right.
Look, I brought you
some candy.
Here, take it, come on.
That lady friend of yours...
has the most wonderful candy.
Tomorrow, I'll get one of those
straw hats that the Americans wear.
First thing.
Tomorrow, since you're without
protector or employment...
the authorities will ship you back
where you came from.
Now, may I give you
some advice?
Go fall on your knees before
Aleko Sinnikoglou...
shed a tear or two, however false,
kiss his hand and so on.
He'll take you back,
he has no choice.
And from this unpleasantness,
learn this lesson...
when you force a woman to choose,
she'll choose money, eh, Emilio?