America, America

She's a good person.
She's next door,
her ear to the door...

hearing every word,
why is she silent?

I'm curious,
what are you going to do now?

You know, I've never seen a face
like yours except in a cage.

I think there's nothing
you'd stop at.

Anything. Have you any honour?
My honour is safe inside me.

Safe inside you?
Boy, whatever you once were,
you're now a whore...

a boy whore for sale,
do you understand?

Stop that humming.
I've seen hundreds like you.
Boys who leave home to find
a clean life and just get dirtier.

Stop that humming!
Tell me, have you looked
in the mirror recently?

Do you suppose if your father saw
you he'd recognise his son?

Stop it! Stop it!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?

He's done more for me than
you've done in your entire life!

I won't let him do that to you,
I won't.

I won't let him do that to him.
It's all right.
It's all right.
Go on, now.
Go on.
Don't let him do that to you.
Go on, now.
Don't worry about me.
I won't let him do that...
Mr. Kebabian...
He's going to speak.
Yes, sir.
I've nothing to say.
What can you say? The truth is
the truth. You know what you are.
