Almaelou's busted, Pidge. You better
get yourself another meal ticket.
ln six years
l never sold one lousy song.
Maybe they weren't lousy enough.
l don't care
so much about myselt...
but l'm my mother's sole support.
l've wasted every cent
my father lett Mama--
lt's not your tault. Your mother
wants you to be a songwriter.
You can make a good living
as a biochemist.
That's a wonderful profession,
but Mama wants--
Just because she was
once in vaudeville...
doesn't mean you
belong in show business.
Confidentially, l respect my mother,
but I do what I want.
Well, Mama's sensitive.
When l upset her, she faints.
Why, with your ideas, you can
make a tortune in chemistry.
Chemistry. Chemistry?
You sound like Rosie.
- Where is she? Where's Rosie?
- Oh, she phoned.
She heard about Birdie being dratted.
She's going to see Ed Sullivan.
Sure, to get another job.
Oh, a fine secretary!
Why, we have been practically engaged,
just waiting tor an okay trom Mama.
Now when I hit bottom,
Rosie deserts me.
Quits betore my body's even warm.
Ed Sullivan!
Would you send in
Rosie DeLeon, please?
ls it yes, Mr. Sullivan?
lt's just got to be yes.
- Rosie, it is yes.
- Oh, hallelujah!
Oh, l love you. Oh, that's marvelous.
Oh, l love you too! l'm so glad!
Miss DeLeon, l'd like you
to meet our producer, Bob Precht.
- Oh, hi. How are you?
- WelI, it's my pleasure.
lf you can overcome
your shyness, tell me...
what's our using Birdie
on the show got to do with you?
Let's face it,
l'm a scheming woman.
l have a promotion idea
that'll knock you out.
lt you buy it,
l want a little tavor.