Bye Bye Birdie

All right.
Let's try it on for size.

How'd you like a territic buildup
betore the show...

that'll have every TV set
tuned into you next Sunday?

We will have. After all,
we've got the Moscow Ballet and Birdie.

- This is bigger.
- Bigger?

Betore Conrad Birdie
goes into the army...

he bestows a farewell kiss
on all the swooning girls...

who worship him on your TV show.
Atter all, it's only an hour show,
and Birdie only gets four minutes.

He kisses them all symbolically.
- What'd you say?
- Symbolically.

- Actually, he'll only kiss one girl.
- He kisses only one girl?

Can't you see it? Birdie,
their idol, their leader...

kissing one tabulously
lucky teenage Tessie?

- Yeah! Yeah !
- lt'll melt every bobby pin in America.

lt's gigantic. The newspapers will eat
it up. Think of the advance publicity.

Get the Birdie's
fan club file right away.

- Get us a girl trom Ohio.
- Gotcha!

We'll do it from the outdoor theater,
Columbus, Ohio, right after the ballet.

- l'll get the girl.
- The network will handle the details.

And atter the kiss,
Birdie sings a big song.

- That's where Rosie gets her payoff.
- l don't get it.

- The song is ''One Last Kiss.''
- Never heard of it.

- Hasn't been written yet.
- Who is going to write this classic?

Oh, who else, but my tuture husband,
Mr. Albert F. Peterson?

Birdie's been wanting
to give Albert a break tor six years.

l know he'll use the song,
if you say so.

Any song will do even though it's
written by your ever-lovin' Albert.

Thank you, Mr. Sullivan.
With a plug like this, that song
will sell a million records.

- Man, what royalties!
- We can sure use the money.

Any day now Albert and l
will have another mouth to teed.

Rosie, you're not even married yet.
His mother! Bye.
Carmine, get me
the publicity department right away.

This batch will do. Get them
ready for mailing right away.

Oh, hi, Marge. l need
one of your fans trom Ohio.

You can have them all.
Try file number six.

Okay. Six, here we go.
l'm about to make
some gaga little goof a queen.
