Don't jump! Don't jump!
Albert, it's all right!
Everything's all right!
Come on back! Don't worry.
Honey, come on.
- Thank heavens l got here in time.
- You almost pushed me out.
lt's all right.
l just came trom Ed Sullivan's otfice.
- Sullivan?
- Yes, Ed Sullivan.
Go to work for Sullivan. Leap from the
sinking ship while the house is on fire.
But hear this, Miss DeLeon.
l was loyal.
All the years l employed you, l never
looked tor a job behind your back.
- l went to Ed Sullivan's otfice--
- Don't explain.
You owe me nothing,
even though you were molded by me.
- Molded?
- Like Eliza Doolittle from Pygmalion.
- l was molded?
- What were you when l tound you?
Hostess at La Casa Enchilada
Taco and Tamale Shop.
Well, sorry l interrupted you.
A man of my ilk
does not commit suicide.
l've had just about enough
of your kind ot ilks too.
Suicide is for cowards.
l don't desert the woman l love.
Oh, Albert, l'm sorry.
- l should have known.
- Mama would never get over it.
What's the matter?
I'm the prize dope ot all time...
thinking l could pry you away
from your mama's ever-lovin' tentacles.
l will thank you
to leave my mother out of this.
- Maybe she does influence me slightly.
- Slightly?
- She is old and frail.
- Which l will be, too, at this rate.
l don't blame you.
l was living in fantasy...
telling myselt you were serious.
Oh, Rosie, l was.
l am. ln here.