- Yes, this is Miss Kim McAfee.
- Yesterday l was a mother.
- Today l'm a friend.
- Yes, l'll hold on.
Well, maybe you could call me Mom.
That's modern.
Times are changing. You go along
or else you're out ot it.
Harry, do you have a cigarette?
l've run out.
Oh, so have l.
How about my pipe?
- Hello?
- Hello?
- Kim McAfee? l have a great prize.
- Harry? Kids.
You have been selected from all
the teenagers in the United States...
to be kissed by Conrad Birdie on
The Ed Sullivan Show this Sunday night.
We'll be in touch. Good-bye!
Conrad Birdie?
To kiss me?
- Mommy!
- Baby! What happened?
Conrad Birdie's
coming here to kiss me!
- lsn't that nice?
- You don't understand!
Conrad Birdie's coming
to Sweet Apple to kiss me!
Oh, Mommy!
l never thought l'd say it,
but God bless Conrad Birdie!
Conrad Birdie's
coming here to kiss me!
Now, listen. Now,
the absolute instant he appears...
now l'll introduce Kim to him.
Then we'll all recite our pledge
of everlasting loyalty.
The plane!
The plane's almost landed!
We love you, Conrad
Oh, yes, we do
We love you, Conrad
and we'll be true
When you're not near us
we're blue
Oh, Conrad, we love you