- Oh, my heavens!
- lt's them or us.
- What happened?
- Are you all right?
- What's wrong?
- lt was just Randolph's chemicals.
No, a mixture ot iron sultide
plus two parts H2SO4.
Smart boy you have there. It isn't
every lad who can make a stench bomb.
- Which brings me to Mr. Birdie.
- Mr. Peterson is really a biochemist.
- l couldn't care less.
- l have one tormula, a secret.
lt's miraculous because it increases
the work output of domestic animals.
- Now about this Birdie.
- lt speeds up the reflexes.
An ox, for instance,
could outrun a racehorse.
By adding in his tormula,
a hen will lay three eggs a day.
Three eggs a day? lt that's so,
you could make a million times--
l've been nursing
this compound for years.
- Still needs more tests, but it works.
- Aren't you in farming?
- He's McAtee Fertilizer.
- Oh, yes.
- Been in it tor 20 years.
- Really?
But l may be out if--
lt you and Albert got together,
you could revolutionize farm production.
Would you like a demonstration?
Do you have a hen?
- How about trying it on that?
- A tortoise? l don't know.
Sure! lt won't bite.
Here. Let me.
Ot course, there isn't
much demand for turtle eggs.
But if it really works
on tarm animals...
maybe you and me
could do some business.
l'll sure need something it l let Kim
go through with this Birdie stutf.
Some of Harry's customers
are against it.
Yeah, and so l've decided
it's absolutely out of the question.
Your neighbors are just
going to be thrilled...
when they see the two of you
on The Ed Sullivan Show.
The Ed Sullivan Show.
- We were saving that as a surprise.
- Yes, a surprise.
Me on Ed Sullivan?
Oh, l'd die. What would l wear?
- We'll find something.
- Gee, Ed Sullivan.
He's my favorite human.
That's why l decided to let Kim go on
in the first place.
Me on The Ed Sullivan Show?