Bye Bye Birdie

Oh, yes. Harry,
it's the mayor. He sounds mad.

l'Il handle this.
Yes? Yes, Mayor?
Yes, the boys talked to me.
Yep, l've decided.
Birdie stays right here...

and Kim's on TV.
And what's more...
l'm gonna be on the show, too,
with Eddy Sullivan.

Now, listen, Harry. You saw what
that crazy galoot did at the reception.

lt was a disgrace.
Look, Mayor,
you're gonna be on TV too.

They want you to make a speech.
They want me on Ed Sullivan?
A short speech.
Why, sure!

l could become
a statewide tace.

lt's a deal, Mayor.
Sure l'll plug you up tor governor.
Bye, Sam.
What a hambo.
Well, it's been a long day,
so l think we'll--

l'm thinking of calling them ''Speed Up.''
You like it, Mr. McAfee?

''Feed up with Speed Up.''
l love it, partner.

- How will Randolph catch his tortoise?
- Just give him one of these.

Hi, Mr. McAfee.
Gee, l just wanted to thank you.

My dad said you're not letting Kim
go on TV and kiss that-- that.

lt can't be true. You wouldn't
destroy Kim, your own tlesh and blood!

Sure he would.
A tather has a right, right?

Hugo, my daughter's old enough
to make her own decisions...

so l've decided to let her do it.
Well, in that case, your daughter
is the tormer future Mrs. Hugo Peabody.

Oh, Hugo,
stop acting like a child.
