You mean... he might have?
Mr. Bartholomew, I'm catching
the next plane out of here.
I'm not going to sit around for somebody
to make chopped liver out of me.
Now, take it easy,
Mrs. Lampert. Take it easy.
Where are you now?
Can you meet me at the market?
- At Les Halles?
- Yes. Opposite St. Eustace.
- I'll meet you there in 15 minutes.
- All right, I'll be there.
Allez vite, n'importe où.
N'importe où! Vite!
Suivez ce taxi.
- Were you followed?
- Yes, by Dyle. But I lost him.
I'm beginning to think women
make the best spies.
- He has a gun, Mr. Bartholomew.
- No.
- But I saw it.
- No, that's not Carson Dyle.
- Carson?
- There's only one Dyle connected with
this affair, Mrs. Lampert.
That's Carson Dyle.
You mean you've known
about him all along?
It's enough to make you
a vegetarian, isn't it?
It's just lucky I'm not hanging
next to one of those right now.
Why didn't you tell me
you knew about Dyle?