- Herman?
- What?
- How you doing?
- How do you think?
If you get bored,
try writing "Love thy neighbour"
100 times on the side of the building.
Monsieur, next time,
please, use the keyhole, hmm?
- Is that you?
- Yeah.
- You gonna open up?
- Sure. Wait a minute.
Don't you know it's impolite to leave
someone holding... the phone?
What happened?
Oh, I met a man with sharp nails.
- Scobie?
- Mm-hmm.
I left him hanging around
the American Express.
Come in. I've got something
that stings like crazy.
You're the kind of girl
that'd have something like that.
Sit down.
Uh, w-w-wait a minute.
- W-W-What is that stuff?
- Marvellous stuff.
- Gonna hurt you much more than
it's gonna hurt me.
- I'll bet...
Ohh! Did you hear
something rip?
- No.
- Oh. That's odd.
Listen, I-I only
came in for an estimate.
Sit still.
It's not too bad.
You won't be able to lie
on your back for a few days.
- But then, you can lie from any
position, can't you? - Oh-ho-ho...
- Ooooh!
- Does it hurt?
- What?
- Does it hurt?
Ohh! Are you kidding?