Why aren't they doing
what you said they'd do?
Your king has asked a question,
Lord Chamberlain.
The Romans have degenerated minds,
Most High Majesty.
They do the unexpected.
Particularly one Roman.
Master of the unexpected.
But with so few men.
You all look so impressive.
Any one of you could be king.
His Divine Majesty, my Lord Ptolemy...
...lord of the Upper
and Lower regions...
...son of Ra, of Horus and of Thoth,
beloved of...
Et cetera, et cetera. You welcome me.
And I, Gaius Julius Caesar,
Pontifex Maximus...
...et cetera, et cetera, thank you.
From the Senate and people
of Rome, hail IKing Ptolemy.
And his sister and co-ruler,
Queen Cleopatra?
They won't tell you so,
but Cleopatra's dead.
She tried to kill me,
and we chased her into the desert.
And there she died.
Whereas it is true
that His Majesty's sister...
...repeatedly plotted
to have him killed...
...it is not true
that Cleopatra is dead.
Whereas it is true that she
fled from Alexandria...
I seem to always interrupt you...
...but the search for truth
can go on and on.
Pothinus, is it not?
Lord Chamberlain and chief eunuch
to IKing Ptolemy. An exalted rank.
Obtained not without certain,
shall we say, sacrifice.
Theodotus, am I right?
Tutor to His Majesty in history,
philosophy and ambition.
And Achillas.
They say you're a good soldier.
- As one to another, where is Cleopatra?
- With her army.
And how many of your men
between her and Alexandria?
- Enough.
- May I speak?
Surely you have come in peace.
And we present ourselves to you
in warm and respectful welcome.
Our only problem being an
internal one, of concern only to us...
...why have you come, Caesar?