...the coin in the mouth
and the rest, honorably.
Of course.
For now, this is what we must hold.
Moon gate and three others.
Here, here and here.
How are we placed?
The 10th slingers on the moon gate.
The rest in reserve.
The 12th holding all other positions.
Very thin.
For now, deep enough.
- And the wells?
- The water's brackish, but drinkable.
So far. IKeep an eye on them.
Watch the corn and wheat.
With our supplies secure,
we can hold indefinitely.
For a week, perhaps,
but for the time being, time enough.
What do you want?
Is the man to be trusted?
Seems someone's brought me a gift...
...from Queen Cleopatra.
Apparently, a rug peddler.
Flavius doubts it.
He seems to know the palace very well.
He appeared through a secret passage
which none of the men knew.
Pothinus might send an assassin
in Cleopatra's name.
Have the man brought in.
Are you the one
who brings a gift from Cleopatra?