The sun comes up.
Tell the men they've won.
Liberty and wine
for defenders of the gate.
All reserves, cavalry, every man
available, move out behind Achillas.
- We have him in a vise.
- What is the other half?
Rufio and the armies of Mithradates.
He went out last night.
Mithradates? How could
he get here this fast?
I sent him when we sailed for Egypt.
No general in his right mind can
hold Alexandria with two legions...
...as you and others have repeatedly
pointed out to me.
I taste your drink,
daughter of Isis...
...and if there be harm in it,
let the harm fall upon me.
You wiped the rim of the cup
after you tasted it. Why?
Why? So my mouth would not soil it.
...taste it again.