Antony has just come from a meeting
of my friends with good news.
Tomorrow at the Senate, Lucius Cotta
will move that I be made king.
It will pass.
But I don't understand.
IKing and emperor.
And it will pass?
The last few months,
I've been enjoying...
...one of the few privileges
of being dictator.
I have been appointing senators.
Slightly more than half the Senate
has been appointed by me.
Once again, the army of Mithradates...
...on its way all the time.
It will pass.
Tomorrow, the ides of March,
a day to be remembered...
...the Senate will declare me
king of Rome.
IKing, yes, but not of Rome.
Not of Rome? What are you saying?
They'll offer you king
of the Roman Empire, outside Italy.
They're afraid, Caesar.
Even your friends.
Afraid of the people.
- Perhaps in time...
- To be afraid of the people.
To waste time on the people.
IKing of all but Rome?
What is there? The huts of Gaul?
The caves of Britain?
The whole of the empire outside Italy.
I will not accept.
They mean it to be an empty gesture.
Another title to please your fancy,
flatter your ego.
Nothing more.
And it will pass.
Then accept it, Caesar.
I have never settled
for half a victory.
Nor will you now.
Caesar, mighty Caesar...
...all I can say
is what you've taught me:
Take a little, then a little more
until finally you have it all.
Let them declare you king.
Even if it's only
of a tree in Asia Minor.
The rest will come to you.
To redo once more everything
I have already done?
It's what you have never done, what
you never conquered that waits for you.