
This is great Caesar...
...beloved by Rome...
...and at least one of us...
...who must die so that Rome may live.
If it must be done, then let us do it
unashamed and unafraid.

If the world is to know that
Rome will not have a king...

...then let us make it the honorable
act of free men in the light of day.

In the light of what day, Brutus?
In the curia of the Senate?
And shall we be armed, all of us?
Decimus, come to Caesar's villa early
tomorrow to escort him to the Senate.

Cimber, Marc Antony must not enter
the curia with Caesar.

On a pretext, lead him aside to speak
of what you heard at Lepidus' house.

I remember something odd.
At one point,
Caesar asked of each of us...

...what manner of death
we would choose.

And Caesar, when it came to him,
looked straight at me and said:

Odd, isn't it?
