Let's try the goat.
Let's have that goat again.
There. Not too much.
The milk of a cow...
...of a goat and of an ass.
Which is best for softening the beard?
Is it true Octavian shaves
but once a week?
Even then, he has merely to face
the wind and let the fuzz blow away.
You knew, didn't you,
Germanicus was here from Rome?
Have you strong feelings about beards?
I had one. Bright red.
Why haven't you seen him?
When you go...
...must it be for very long?
I must take some of these with me.
They don't have them.
At least, they didn't
when I was last...
...in Rome.
While they were digging
the foundation of my tomb...
...the workers found an old wall.
Someone had scratched on it
hundreds of years ago:
"You were not here last night,
and I could not sleep.
Will you be here tonight?"
Do you suppose they ever met again?
Everything that I shall want to hold
or look upon or have or be...
...is here now with you.
I must not be sorry for myself.
Queens are sometimes no better at that
than kings, or even princes.
It doesn't seem fair.
What I feel I should have felt
long ago when I was very young.
When I could say to myself
that this was how love was...