His ambition: To rule the Roman world
as emperor and god.
The Roman world, to begin with.
And what stands in his way?
- You and I.
- And my son!
The rightful heir to the name
and glory of great Caesar.
Octavian has already stolen those
and he will now destroy...
...in the name of his sister,
Rome's love for you.
And by your marriage to her...
...he has made of me, unmistakably,
your whore.
Never fear Octavian?
It is he, now, who I think
must be unafraid.
Show me a city and I'll take it.
I'll find an army's weak points
and hit them hard.
But make me to sit down and talk
in whispers of this and that...
...with an emphasis here and a shrug,
and I'm soon confounded and defeated.
Meaning to do the best...
...I suppose I could not
have done worse.
There is still time.
Let someone ask me what I want:
To live with you in peace and love.
Do you have...
...conditions for total surrender?
First, as did Caesar...
...you will marry me
according to Egyptian ritual.
That's not a condition,
that's a reward.
You'll declare, by your authority...
...Caesarion to be king of Egypt...
...and we will rule together
in his name.
Happily granted.
You will cede to Egypt
all the territories I have demanded.
You must.
If only to assert
your own authority and power.
Otherwise, inevitably,
in time we will lose everything.