Can't you see that?
I can see nothing...
...but you.
To marry this Egyptian
under their barbaric rites!
Meaningless under Roman law!
Great Caesar himself...
Yes. Bit by bit,
Antony crawls behind his memory.
But tell us this, Germanicus:
Did great Caesar also toss one-third
of the Roman Empire...
...into Cleopatra's
undoubtedly deserving lap?
The territories in dispute
were subjugated by Julius Caesar.
The right to rule over them
is the heritage of his son.
And in the name of the mighty Caesar
I grant to IKing Ptolemy Caesarion...
...that right.
Let it be known the greatness of Rome
lies not in what she takes...
...but in what she gives.
"Rome's greatness lies
in what she gives," he says.
Then calmly gives what is not his.
And Cleopatra takes...
...and will take more.
And war will come.
She knows and I know...
...that war will come.
But I will not speak for it...
...nor will I speak against Antony.
I must be forced into war.
The people of Rome
must force this war upon me.
They must storm the doors
of the Senate, crying for it.
If we move quickly, they won't know
we've crossed the Mediterranean...
...until we land in Greece.
You and General Rufio,
start embarking the troops.
Yes, Your Majesty.
If it is decided
to move our armies into Greece.
It has been decided.
My men do not...
...travel well by sea.
They fight on land.
They move on land.