Do the lookouts have
Octavian's insignia?
- A golden eagle. Sighted at sunrise.
- By sunset we'll have those feathers.
Let Octavian know we're coming!
Let the enemy hear the voice
of Antony's legions!
He's on his way.
Signal Lord Caesar's ship.
Does it fly his insignia?
My orders are to be followed
exactly as issued.
And may the gods grant that Antony
has not changed his plan of battle.
There he goes...
...as he's done 100 times on land.
Straight for the center.
If only it were on land, and we
were there to protect his flanks.
But we're not.
This and all dispositions
are to be signaled to Euphranor.
But Euphranor's in command of...
In command of moving toy ships
on a painted ocean...