They told me you were dead.
You were quite right.
I am dead.
The armies of Gaius Julius Caesar...
...are advancing without opposition
upon Alexandria.
Gaius Julius Caesar?
So now Octavian has
stolen all of the name.
Caesar wishes it known he has
no quarrel with Cleopatra of Egypt.
Then let him take his armies
out of here and go home.
He has charged me to say
that the choice of war or peace...
...now rests with Egypt.
And that for himself,
he desires only peace.
And what are his terms
for this unconditional peace?
A small token.
A demonstration. A gesture.
An indication of Queen Cleopatra's
goodwill and good faith.
What does Octavian want?
Marc Antony.
...head of Marc Antony?
Take this to him as my answer.