
Shall I say simply, I loved?
When I saw you go, I saw nothing.
Felt, heard, thought nothing
except your going.

Not the dying and dead,
not Rome, not Egypt...

...not victory or defeat,
honor or disgrace...

...only that my love was going
and I must be with her.

That my love, my master, called.
And I followed.
And that only then...
...I looked back...
...and I saw.
How right you were.
"Have as your master
anyone, anything...

...but never love."
How wrong.
How wrong I was.
Antony, the love you followed is here.
To be had upon payment of an empire.
Without you, Antony...
...this is not a world
I want to live in...

...much less conquer.
Because for me...
...there would be no love anywhere.
Do you want me to die with you?
I will.

Or do you want me to live with you?
Whatever you choose.
Are we too late, do you think,
if we choose to live?

Better too late...
...than never.
