King to rook two.
King... to rook two.
Queen to king four.
Queen... to king four.
My congratulations, sir. A brilliant coup.
Siamese fighting fish.
Fascinating creatures.
Brave, but on the whole stupid.
Yes, they're stupid.
Except for the occasional one
such as we have here.
He lets the other two fight
while he waits.
Waits until the survivor is so exhausted
that he cannot defend himself.
And then, like SPECTRE, he strikes.
I find the parallel amusing.
Our organisation did not arrange
for you to come over
from the Russians just for amusement,
Number Three.
Come in, Kronsteen.
Sit down, Number Three, while we listen
to what Number Five has devised for us.
I hope his efforts as director of planning
continue to be as successful as his chess.
They will be.