From Russia with Love

According to your instructions,
I've planned for SPECTRE

to steal from the Russians
their new Lektor decoding machine.

We need the services
of a female member

of the Russian Cryptograph Section
in Turkey

and... the help of
the British Secret Service.

Neither the Russians
nor the British will be aware

that they are now working for us.
Number Three, is your section ready
to carry out Kronsteen's directives?

Yes, Number One. The operation will be
organised according to Kronsteen's plan.

I have selected a suitable girl
from the Russian Consulate in lstanbul.

She's capable, cooperative,
and her loyalty to the state
is beyond question.

You're sure she believes you're still
head of operations
for Soviet lntelligence?

It is most unlikely she would know
I'm now working for SPECTRE.

Moscow kept my defection secret from
all but a few members of the presidium.

For your sake, I hope so.
Kronsteen, you're sure
this plan is foolproof?
Yes, it is. Because I have anticipated
every possible variation of countermove.

But what makes you think that M,
the head of British lntelligence,

will oblige you
by falling in with your plan?

Because this is so obviously a trap.
My reading of the British mentality is that
they always treat a trap as a challenge.

And they couldn't possibly
pass up even the slightest chance

of getting their hands
on the Lektor decoder.

They have wanted one for years.
All that you say could be true.
What else?

As an added refinement, I think
SPECTRE would have the chance

of a personal revenge
for the killing of our operative... Dr No.

Because the man the British will almost
certainly use on a mission of this sort

would be their agent James Bond.
Let his death be a particularly
unpleasant and humiliating one.

I shall put my plan
into operation straight away.

And there will be no failure.
