l'm crazy.
l'll take a chance.
How much you pay us?
Just a minute, Raoul.
l'll fill in for El Trovador
if you give me a job
as a lifeguard during the day.
lt would be against the law.
l can pay you for singing
but l cannot pay you
for lifeguarding.
lt is impossible.
l'll tell you what, then.
l'll work as a lifeguard
during the siesta
for room and board, no pay.
That way, l'll be here to sing
when El Trovador is sick
and no law is broken.
l don't know.
Moreno wouldn't like it.
Can Moreno sing
when El Trovador is sick?
Maybe if l'm here, El Trovador
won't be sick as often, huh?
Okay. Check
with the desk clerk.
He'll assign you to a room, eh?
Thank you.
You're welcome
and thank you, Raoul.
Thank you, cousin.
Hasta luego.