-ln the lonely fields
-Beneath the pale moonlight
-He sought the bull
-And they fought once more
When they found the matador,
they saw him dying
He'd never see tomorrow
Now, they say that on the spot
where he was lying
Still walks the proud El Toro
The bull, El Toro,
brought him defeat and pain
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah...
-And to his sorrow
The matador knew shame.
Ah-ah-ah-ah, shame.
No pictures, please.
But Mike, publicity pictures
cost us nothing.
You heard what l said--
no pictures.
You were very good, Mike.
Thank you.
But that wasn't very nice.
l just don't like
having my picture taken.
l'm one of the FBl's
most wanted men.
Where are we going?
Stick with me.
l'll show you.
El Trovador
will be fully recovered
by the midnight show
after he hears about you.
ls that what you do in the
States for a living, sing?