Now, what's she got
to do with it?
l can come tonight
if you don't mind
Moreno coming with me.
That's okay, if you don't mind
Dolores coming along with me.
Please, Señor, Señorita,
it's very mixed up.
So will you say everything again
only this time in Spanish?
l present to you,
Señorita Dolores Gomez
and mi amigo
Señor Mike Windgren.
-How do you do?
-How do you do?
Señor Delgado is the manager
of the Ambassador Club.
lt is a great honor, Señorita.
l shall look forward
to hearing you, Señor.
You go on soon.
And thank you
for coming over here.
Would you join us?
Muchisimas gracias.
But l will watch from the bar.
Con permiso.
l know, now l get lost.
Buenas noches.
May l take your order?
l'll have a margarita.
Uh... two tequilas.
Since you asked me
to come here tonight
l forgive you.
What's to forgive?
The other girl.
You like her, no?
l also like you.
How can you like Dolores
when you don't see
enough of her to know?
l've seen enough of her to know.
Dolores, she likes you.
Thank you.
That's a beautiful ring.
lt belong to your husband?
l've never married.
Your sweetheart?
l have too many sweethearts
to wear their rings.
Excuse me, that's me.
Damas y caballeros...
again tonight we have
the great pleasure of presenting
the North American
with that exciting voice...