Fun in Acapulco

You're ashamed for somebody
to see Dolores kiss you?

lt's a crime or something?
ln Acapulco?
Where you take me tonight?
l bring my big car.
Automatic transmission.
Well, uh, l'm not too
sure about tonight.

Uh, uh, l'm a little
nervous about a job.

And l'm late now.
l'll see you later.

ls good for the nerves.
l said, take it easy, baby,
l worked all day

And my feet feel
just like lead

You got my shirttails flyin' all
over the place

And the sweat poppin'
outta my head

She said, hey, Bossa Nova, baby,
keep on workin'

For this ain't no time
to quit

She said, go, Bossa Nova, baby,
keep on dancin'

l'm about to have myself
a fit

Bossa Nova
Bossa Nova
l said, hey, little mama,
let's sit down

And have a drink
and dig the band

She said, drink, drink, drink,
oh, fiddly-dink

l can dance
with a drink in my hand

She said, hey, Bossa Nova, baby,
keep on workin'

For this ain't no time to drink
She said, go, Bossa Nova, baby,
keep on dancin'

'Cause l ain't got time to think
Bossa Nova
Bossa Nova
l said, come on, baby,
it's hot in here

And it's oh-so-cool outside
lf you lend me a dollar,
l can buy some gas

And we can go for a little ride
She said, hey, Bossa Nova, baby,
keep on workin'

'Cause l ain't got time
for that

She said, go, Bossa Nova, baby,
keep on dancin'

Or l'll find myself another cat
Bossa Nova
Bossa Nova
Bossa Nova
