Gattopardo, Il

The Piedmontese have landed,
we're lost.

Tonight, my whole family and l
will take shelter

on the English ships at anchor.
l'm sure you'll do the same.

God save our beloved King.
l hug you.'' What a coward !

''An act of piracy was committed
on the 1 1th of May

after the landing
of armed people in Marsala.

lt has subsequently been discovered
that it was the 800 men

driven by Garibaldi.
The bandits were able to avoid a
confrontation with the royal troops

by heading to Castelvetrano, where
they harmed the peaceful citizens

- ..with robberies and
devastations.'' - Garibaldi !

Paolo, you must move
to the Palermo palace.

- lf we leave a house empty,
we'll lose it. - No, please !

Fabrizio, it's too dangerous !
Fabrizio, don't ! Don't !
We're at war !

- Francesco Paolo, call Mimì.
- Yes, father.

Mimì ! Mimì !
This is a revolution !
Mon Dieu ! C'est sa crise !
Oh, Madame !

Les gouttes !
l'm suffocating !
Concetta, dépêche toi ! Vite !
Voilà, Madame, voilà.
Buvez ça et ça ira mieux.

Mimì ! Domenico !
Mimì !
