Quick, they're coming !
Whatever you command,
and let's hope for the best !
l'm so glad to see you again,
- Now we'll rest a little.
- Sure.
- You'll sit under those trees.
- We'll soon head to Donnafugata.
- Did the soldiers pass by ?
- They sure did.
- Did they cause any damage ?
- Yes...
- C'est pire qu'en Algerie ! - This
certainly isn't Algeria, my dear !
- lt feels so good ! Do you want to
refresh a little ? - Yes. - Here.
Put it on your temples
and forehead.
lt's so cool !
lt feels really good !
- You feel better, huh ?
- Oh, yes !
Let's join the others,
the food will soon be gone !
May l have it back ?
Come on, let's go.
You're hungry, huh ?
- Father Pirrone, this is for you.
- The meat is excellent !
Everybody said: ''His Excellency
won't be able to leave Palermo.