lt can't be expected that
he'll travel in times like these.
Who knows what happened
to His Excellency and his family !''
But they're all safe.
Thank God !
Of course we are ! What did you
expect would happen to us ?
Everything went just fine.
ln fact, a few days after
Garibaldi's arrival to Palermo,
Tancredi had brought home
a nice Tuscan General
who wished to admire
the villa's frescoes.
He was very helpful in providing
the passes to Donnafugata.
My family and l are very pleased
to have you here, General.
Thank you, Excellency.
He called you ''Excellency'' !
lt's his first infraction
to Garibaldi's orders !
- Concetta !
- Welcome back.
- Mademoiselle.
- Tancredi.
Hello !
Dear aunt...
General, my nephew told me you
wish to see the villa's frescoes.
l'd love to, Excellency.
lt'll soon be dark,
so let's do it now.
ln the middle, Flashing Jupiter,
Juno, Mars, Venus and Mercury.
On that side, Thetis is preceded
by a host of tritons and dryads,
and Apollo surrounded by clouds.
They're all exalting the glory
of Casa Salina.
- Do you want a mint ?
- Yes, just the ones l like !
That's why l brought them !