Gattopardo, Il

l'm talking about Miss Concetta.
She's in love.
Miss Concetta ?
How... ?

Ah ! Rubbish !
l'm sorry if l've upset you,
l didn't think...

You see, Father a man can think of
himself as still young, even at 45.

But when he realizes his kids
are grown enough to fall in love,

old age becomes
all of a sudden overwhelming.

You haven't even asked me who...
the boy Miss Concetta...

No need.
She's so silly,
why didn't she tell me herself ?

What am l supposed to say ?
Well, Excellency, the wish to found
a Christian family

is very much welcomed
by the Church,

and Christ's presence at Cana...
Let's not lose track,
Father, please !

l mean to talk about
this one wedding,

not the Cana Wedding,
or wedding in general !

Has Don Tancredi proposed already ?
When did he ?

Well, l don't think he has made
any straight proposal, yet.

But Miss Concetta has no doubts.
His care, his looks, his words...
The little Princess
is sure he loves her

and she feels the proposal
is about to come.

Don't worry, Father,
we're not in danger, yet.

These are the fantasies
of a romantic, shy girl.

- Why do you say ''danger'' ?
- Father, can you picture her...

as ambassadress
to Vienna or St. Petersburg ?
