l love Concetta, l like her.
She's so quiet and submissive.
- But Tancredi... Tancredi has
a great future ! - Yes, but...
Come on, Father, how could ever
Concetta, so virtuous and shy,
help a husband climb the slippery
stairs of the new society ?
Tancredi needs money.
Concetta will get a dowry,
of course.
But the fortunes of the family will
have to be split in seven !
Mark, l said seven.
Tancredi needs a lot more.
One of the Sutera girls,
for instance.
Yeah, l know, l know.
They're so ugly, poor things !
- But so rich, Father, very, very
rich ! - Yes, but what about...
What ? Love ?
Yeah, right, love ! lt moves
heaven and earth for a year,
and nothing for the remaining
thirty. l know what love is.
- What ? - Excellency, what dress
do you wish to wear for dinner ?
Father, you'll tell Concetta
that l'm not upset at all,
but that we'll face the subject
when it'll be more than a fantasy.
- What should l wear ?
Any of my tailcoats. - Very well.
- Au revoir, Father.
- Excellency...
Dad ! Don Calogero is coming up the
stairs. He's wearing a tailcoat !