Gattopardo, Il

That's true.
So, did you vote in favor ?
No, Excellency, l voted against.
And l would do it
a hundred more times !

l know what you had told me about
necessity, unity and opportunity.

Maybe you were right,
l don't understand politics.

But Ciccio Tomeo is a gentleman.
l know l'm poor and miserable,
with my old pants and everything,

but l can't forget
how much l was helped !

You know it very well, Excellency:
the Spanish Queen lsabella,

at the time Duchess of Calabria,
paid for my studies.

l owe her what l am today,
a church organist

honored by the benevolence
of Your Excellency.

ln years of strong need, when my
mother presented pleas at court,

we always got what we pleaded for.
lf all those kings and queens
watch us from up there,

what will they think ?
That Leonardo Tumeo's son
betrayed them ? No ! No !

Excellency... no ! At least,
in heaven they know the truth.

Calm down, now !
l admire your faithfulness
and devotion.

But you must understand
that the people were enthusiastic
about Garibaldi's victories.
