Gattopardo, Il

You told me about crazy mothers
and faecal grandfathers,

but nothing that interests me,
that is, Miss Angelica.

Well, she speaks for herself.
She got all her mother's beauty,
but none of her grandpa's stench.

She's very intelligent.
She's a real lady.

When she got back from school,
she invited me over and played
my old mazurka for me.

She's not a good player,
but she looked so beautiful...

Her black tresses,
her eyes, her skin and her chest...

- l'm sure her sheets smell like
paradise ! - Calm down, Don Ciccio.

Calm down !
From now on you'll talk about
Miss Angelica with due respect.

Today l'm to propose Don Calogero
in behalf of my nephew Tancredi.

You're the first to know,
and you'll have to pay for it.

You'll be locked up with the dogs,
and you'll get out only after
Don Calogero will have left.

- Let's go !
- Excellency ! That is so wrong !

Your nephew can't marry the
daughter of one of your enemies !

To seduce her is a conquest, but
this is unconditional surrender !

This is the end of both
the Falconeri and the Salina !
