Gattopardo, Il

One thousand and ten hectares...
of wheat !
Very fruitful lands, cool and airy,
plus 500 hectares of vineyards
and olive groves in Gibildolce.

On the wedding day, l'll present
the groom with 20 bags

containing 10,000 onze each.
My family is everything to me.
''Excellency, nobody has seen
Don Calogero's wife in years.

l have, though.
She only goes to the 5:00am mass,
the one nobody attends.

l got up very early, one day,
in order to see her.

Take my word for it, Excellency:
she's as beautiful as the sun.

You can't blame Don Calogero: he's
so ugly that he keeps her hidden.''

l'm left with very little.
But a daughter is a daughter.
Moreover, l know what l'm about
to say won't impress you,

since you are the descendant of
Emperor Titone and Queen Berenice.

But the Sedara,
in virtue of a title conferred
by His Majesty Ferdinando lV,

are noble as well !
