Tancredi ?
Tancredi, where are you ?
Tancredi !
You scared me !
lt's full of rats, in there !
l'm not surprised.
Where's Tancredi ?
- l don't know, l can't find him.
- Really ? - Tancrede ! Angelica !
- Come, let's go.
- Où êtes-vous ?
- l scared you, huh ?
- Yes !
There she is again !
Let's hide, come !
Oh, no, please !
Where do you wanna go ? l'm tired !
How big is this palace ?
How many rooms are there ?
Nobody knows, not even my uncle.
He thinks that if you know
all the rooms of a palace,
- ..it's not even worth
to live in it. - Ou êtes-vous ?
- Let's join her, she's all alone !
- What about the others ?
Concetta's back in the garden.
Francesco Paolo was sent to welcome
a guest arriving on the couch.
- What guest ? - l don't know,
somebody from Turin.
Hey, let's go, come on !
No way, l don't wanna see
any more unknown rooms.
Actually, l think l'll leave.
What am l doing here ?
- Concetta doesn't even love me.
- Did you talk to her at all ?
lt's no use. l feel l'm like
a little worm to her.
l have to look for a lady-warm
for whom l'll be enough.
Talk to her !
You'll make up your mind later.
But, maybe, it's better for you.
Let me explain it to you.
Concetta is too Sicilian.
She's never left the island.