These rooms are odd.
- How could anybody live here ?
- Nobody ever did.
This is just where my ancestors
came to break the rules
and have something special
to remember.
- To break the rules ?
- Yeah.
They were bored, my love.
- Excuse me,
are you Aymone Chevalley ? - Yes.
- l'm Prince Salina's son.
- Oh, what a pleasure !
l'm here to welcome you.
My father would be pleased
to host you at the palace.
- lt's very kind of him.
- You should wear you hat.
- The sun is very strong, here.
- Yes, and you should do the same.
l was actually going to leave
right after talking to the Prince.
- You'll have to come to the palace
in any case. - Of course.
This way.
- l'll carry it. - Oh, you really
shouldn't... - lt's a pleasure.
- Allow me... please. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- lsn't it too heavy ?
- Not at all. - ls that it ? - Yes.
- Où sont-ils ? - l'm sure
they're not upstairs.
- They must be back in the garden.
- C'est terrible ! Oh, mon Dieu !
Do you want to come
in the garden with me ?
- You're flying ! - Ce n'est pas
possible ! Ecoutes-moi !