Pleased to meet you, Princess.
- l'll go see if Angelica's here.
- Sure, go ahead. - Excuse me.
- ls it all true, Colonel ?
- Good evening. - Good evening.
- l was crying like a child.
- Amazing ! - What was he like ?
He was as handsome and serene
as an archangel.
Wonderful ! A real hero !
lsn't he an extraordinary man ?
- Tancredi.
- Hello, Mirella, how are you ?
How are you ? The Colonel
is trying to reassure them,
but they should no longer need it,
since the Bersaglieri did shoot.
- We're glad they did !
- Oh, excuse me. - No problem.
You're late, l was waiting for you.
Good evening.
You're beautiful.
Come and say hello to the Princess.