Gattopardo, Il

Let me introduce my fiancée,
Angelica Sedara.

Dear, let me look at you.
- You're even more beautiful than
they say. - Thanks. - Very pretty.

- What's this ? - lt's the Knight
Cross of the ltalian Crown.

Right. That's not enough, here.
- l had no doubts about your taste.
- Thank you.

My father-in-law,
Cavalier Don Calogero Sedara.

- Nice to meet you.
- Pleased to meet you.

- Beautiful place, Princess.
- You like it ?

Calm down, guys, calm down.
- Tancredi, will you introduce me
to your fiancée ? - Sure !

- Angelica, this is my friend
Gioacchino Lanza. - l'm honored.

- This is Fulco... - l don't know
if Tancredi will agree,

but l'd like to be enlisted on your
dance card for the next waltz.

Yes, don't be hasty, later !
- We'll see...
- You're such an egotist !

l'm sorry, but it's not my fault.
She chooses whom to dance with.
lt's a waltz, let's dance.
- l haven't said hello to uncle,
yet. - You will, later. Come on.

- Excuse us.
- What can we do ?
